In a previous post I wrote about getting the 1999 MQSeries Primer updated.
Now other people can get to see if it was worth it by going to where they will find this short document.
Update: The draft has moved location – part of the process of giving it the same form-number as the predecessor redpiece. Annoying it happened during this draft process, but the draft address has always been temporary anyway,

Just as software has beta releases, the IBM Redbooks team release draft copies for external review and comments before finalising the text. So do not expect perfection, and please feel free to submit comments to or by pressing the “Discuss this book” button. I don’t expect this draft period to last very long, as it is a short book. The original 35 pages have grown to 62 including boilerplate pages, but it’s still a quick read.
I’ve already submitted a few comments of my own, and I’ve got a short section that I would like to add, so I know it will need to change a little before it gets locked.
Seeing the whole book was a different experience than seeing the individual sentences and paragraphs while writing – a little distance makes things clearer (which reminds me, I need to make an appointment at the optician).
But I was very pleased that my plan to have dual-use of the material, also using it in the forthcoming MQ 7.1/7.5 book, seems to have worked.
This post was last updated on November 14th, 2019 at 06:42 am
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