MQ Metrics with OpenTelemetry

As I promised in a recent article, I am coming back to the OpenTelemetry topic. This time, it’s going to be about another pillar of the observability requirements – integrating MQ’s metrics with OpenTelemetry.

Continue reading “MQ Metrics with OpenTelemetry”

This post was last updated on March 12th, 2024 at 07:27 am

Handling MQ logs and events with OpenTelemetry

One recent addition to the plethora of observability tools is OpenTelemetry. It attempts to provide a vendor-agnostic set of common APIs, components, interfaces and protocols that enable interoperability between a range of other tools. It deals with three major pillars of telemetry data, the things you often need to look at when monitoring systems: traces (by which it means application-level data flows), metrics, and logs.

There are already ways of tracking messages through an MQ network and beyond, reporting via OpenTelemetry. And I will soon be talking a lot more about MQ metrics and OpenTelemetry. But as an appetiser, this post shows the third piece of the story: logs.

Continue reading “Handling MQ logs and events with OpenTelemetry”

This post was last updated on March 14th, 2024 at 06:47 pm

MQ JMS and Spring: Spring Boot 2 now at end of regular support

Spring Boot 2 has now reached its “end of non-commercial support“. The lifecycle for that project is set by Spring’s owners; a major release typically has 2 years of open support before moving into a longer-term paid-for regime.

Continue reading “MQ JMS and Spring: Spring Boot 2 now at end of regular support”

This post was last updated on January 15th, 2024 at 02:15 pm

Options for MQ identities

I’ve written in earlier posts about confusion between different ways of using LDAP with MQ for authentication. Despite those articles, I still see questions from people who don’t really know what they can or should do.

As an attempt at simplifying the possibilities for a Linux environment, I drew up this chart. It is based on where your identities are defined.

Continue reading “Options for MQ identities”

This post was last updated on December 14th, 2023 at 06:57 am

Node.js Add-ons: Object transformation performance

While working on the redesigned Node.js C++ add-on for MQ, I had a question about transforming objects. What was the best method for Node.js performance? Noone answered the question on the internal channels I tried. I also couldn’t find anything definitive on external documentation or blogs. So I wrote my own tests …

Continue reading “Node.js Add-ons: Object transformation performance”

This post was last updated on May 24th, 2023 at 12:30 pm

MQI Node.js library: an experimental reimplementation

The MQI library for Node.js applications first appeared in 2017. One of the first articles about it is here. Regular maintenance and updates to the library ensured it kept up with newer MQ and NodeJS features. But it seemed time to do a more extensive rewrite of the package, and that’s why I’m writing this article. I’ve put an experimental reimplementation on GitHub of the library for you to try out, before it goes into the mainstream release. Originally in the “napi” branch, it’s been promoted to the master branch.

Update: This new version is now on npm as the ibmmq 2.0.0 release and has been merged into the main GitHub branch.

Continue reading “MQI Node.js library: an experimental reimplementation”

This post was last updated on June 22nd, 2023 at 08:46 am

Another SHARE done

Last week was another MQ event with SHARE. This time in Atlanta. Though I managed to combine it with seeing a customer in Dallas the previous week. SHARE was a slightly abbreviated event compared to usual, because the venue had to be booked before it was clear that face-to-face meetings would recover. So we didn’t have quite as many MQ sessions as usual. In fact, all the MQ talks were done by myself, Lyn and Dorothy either as individuals or in various double-act combinations. But it was a really valuable week, with lots of useful discussions. And the brewpub near the hotel was as good as I remembered from a previous trip.

The planning now starts for the next, fuller, event in New Orleans in August.

Just really annoying that I picked up a bug on the flight home …